This product has been made and packed by an indigenous community - Allpahuayo Mishana in Iquitos, Peru. We work with them and buy directly from them.
In Amazonian communities it is used as an analgesic, anti-arthritic, anti-epileptic, anti-pyretic, and for stomach cramps, headaches, as an immunity stimulant, as a laxative, tonic, for rheumatism and for generating conditions of a psychological nature (especially in cases of extreme fright or Manchari).
As an analgesicTraditional use: Soothes sore muscles, bones, head, abdomen, etc.
As ananti-artríticTraditional Use: It relieves pain, swelling, stiffness and heats the joints.
Forheadache Traditional Use: Relieves headache.
AsrestorativeTraditional Use: Used as a tonic or body energizing aide.
Against RheumatismTraditional Use: Relieves pain and inflammation of the joints, muscles and tendons.
Against bad energyTraditional Use: cures fear, frees you from evil desires, according to popular belief.
Against colds, fluTraditional use: apply a pea sized on back and chest.
Avoid contact with eyes